Sunday, February 3, 2008

if you haven't seen an Extra Action Marching Band show. i highly recommend it. it's complete and utter madness. it's like a 13 person band complete with tubas, trombones and drum sets. there were flag bearers, burlesque cheerleaders, three chicks in bodysuits and rubber masks, a popcorn canon, and they just don't play up on stage. they march through the crowd, which is not an easy feat at 12 galaxies. it was truly a sight to behold... and there's a good chance there'll be some toplessness by the end of the show.
i kinda went crazy with filters and color balances on this one. if you're interested, here're the originals.
in other news, i sold a print at the loan office show. note to self: chicks prints do better than robot prints. another lesson learned.

1 comment:

cat. said...


(see, i fix with miso) :D